#188974 - as Jack is pick out a weapons Lucie has just woken up in the small sort of room as Jack but it was not as nice and instead of a bed it was just a mattress on the floor, Lucie was looking around the room with her heightened senses, she could see that their were a few small cracks in the wall as will as something else, just as Lucie was about to see what it was a speaker come on in her room, there was muffled talking on the other side as a man came on and started talking asking if she knew what she was Lucie being Lucie said that she knew what she was, this caused the door to burst open with with looked like bodyguard with pistols pointed at her as Lucie started to panic. This is my first story plz read, enjoy and send feed back The year is 3033 and the galaxy is in need of guardians to protect we start off on the planet trench were their is a baby boy that names of the parents were Jack and Lucie shadow.