Pretty face (3)
Hajimete no aku (3)
Enen no shouboutai | fire force (3)
Virtual on (3)
Grisaia no kajitsu (3)
Bungou stray dogs (3)
Onegai teacher | please teacher (3)
Dracu-riot (3)
Kemurikusa (3)
Koi to senkyo to chocolate (3)
Yuukyuu gensoukyoku (3)
Galaxy express 999 | ginga tetsudou 999 (3)
Yami no matsuei (3)
Megami device (3)
Toukiden (3)
Devil summoner soul hackers (3)
Fushigi no umi no nadia | nadia the secret of blue water (3)
Amakano (3)
Mother 3 (3)
Sexfriend (3)
Guitarfreaks and drummania (3)
Maoujou de oyasumi (3)
Elfen lied (3)
Mashiro iro symphony (3)
Cinderella (3)
Mantradeva (2)
Majokko megu-chan (2)
Basilisk (2)
Etotama (2)
Saiyuki (2)
Astro fighter sunred (2)
Fight ippatsu juuden-chan (2)
Goshogun (2)
Final romance (2)
Kotoura-san (2)
Hime kishi lilia (2)
Tsurikichi sanpei (2)
Shining wind (2)
Pastel chime continue (2)
Ziga (2)
Koi iro marriage (2)
Akatsuki blitzkampf (2)
Mega man x (2)
The little mermaid (2)
Future card buddyfight (2)
Zeroin (2)
Manga science (2)
Beet the vandel buster (2)
Tales of legendia (2)
Raramagi honyarara magic (2)
Nangoku shounen papuwa-kun (2)
Tsukikagerou (2)
Tom clancys rainbow six (2)
Langrisser (2)
Jinsei (2)
Tales of rebirth (2)
Najica blitz tactics (2)
Rune factory 3 (2)
Backbeard-sama ga miteru (2)
Voltes v (2)
Warzard (2)
Space dandy (2)
The fairly oddparents (2)
Shamanic princess (2)
Beelzebub (2)
Cevio (2)
Tales of arise (2)
El shaddai (2)
Revolutionary girl utena | shoujo kakumei utena (2)
Alternative girls (2)
Ruin explorers (2)
Phantom brave (2)
The melody of oblivion (2)
Journey to the west (2)
Battle arena toshinden (2)
Dragon quest i (2)
Moshidora (2)
Ar tonelico qoga (2)
Tokyo ravens (2)
Suisei no gargantia | gargantia on the verdurous planet (2)
Battle athletes | battle athletes daiundoukai (2)
Wild arms 5 (2)
My little pony friendship is magic (2)
Senko no ronde (2)
Choukou shinki ixseal (2)
Samurai warriors | sengoku musou (2)
Pachique next (2)
Choujuu sentai liveman (2)
Sewayaki kitsune no senko-san (2)
Ultimate girls (2)
Onidere (2)
Ganbare goemon (2)
Chihayafuru (2)
Nejimaki kagyuu (2)
Strider (2)
Sound horizon (2)
Shakunetsu no takkyuu musume (2)
Miss machiko (2)
Iron man (2)
Tenshi no shippo (2)
Crusher joe (2)
Muhyo to rouji no mahouritsu soudan jimusho (2)
Totally spies (2)
Burn the witch (2)
Caterpillar (2)
Tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge (2)
Final fantasy type-0 (2)
Baccano (2)
Koe no katachi (2)
Mahou sentai magiranger (2)
Animal yokochou (2)
Majin bone (2)
Bokusatsu tenshi dokuro-chan (2)
Onegai twins | please twins (2)
Saikano (2)
Sally the witch (2)
C the money of soul and possibility control (2)
Majo no tabitabi (2)
Starry sky (2)
Jewelpet happiness (2)